Cheryl Benedict,
Executive Coach & Owner, MORF Consulting
In this unprecedented time of global change, with COVID-19 impacting ALL of us, we are facing a rare combination of uncertainty and loss of control. No one is ‘on top of their game.’ It’s harder to focus and plan as a professional during this time while many of us are in quarantine.
You may find yourself feeling forgetful, distracted, worried or drained as you do your best to cope with this daily shifting landscape. You may even notice a dichotomy in yourself between the instinct of self-preservation vs. the call to altruism.
I’ve studied this universally-difficult experience of unwanted change in depth – and have developed a visual model to help us explore how to navigate the change that has been thrust upon us.
Join me for the following webinar on this exact topic, and help yourself to the free download.
Please feel free to share the webinar and this 2-page download with your family, friends and colleagues as a means of support. We're all in a unique place emotionally.
Be patient with one another. Try to listen more and love more.
We will get through this together.
Navigating the Emotional
& Psychological Aspects of COVID-19